The Artefacts
March 2020
I have created a series of literary artefacts that act to visually stimulate readers and make the reading experience more immersive. Each of the artefacts has been purposely designed based on the themes that run through each of the books they are based on, playing on isolation, the consequence of modernity, random interactions and power. I have also personalised the layout to the topography of Sheffield, each location linking to a current building site, thus documenting the story of Sheffield as it stands today.
In order to manifest the tone of each book into its respected artefact I have looked into physical ways to represent the themes, through the use of lighting, scale, separation and where it is positioned within the space. For Perfume, I thought about how in street cafes in Paris, where the book is set, all the chairs face outward, so every customer sees the same thing but from a different perspective. For Catcher in the Rye, the carousel is an idiosyncratic part of the story. I thought about how each person chooses their own seat but can look across at others enjoying the experience with them, separate but together. The idea of the carousel slowly rotating at the rate a clock would introduces a sense of awareness to the artefact, emphasising the idea of fleeting interactions and making it more practical to users who are on the go.
The space will offer a unique reading experience allowing readers to discover the best surroundings for them when reading, and help them discover the type of reader they are. They will be able to pick up pocket penguins, that have been purposley placed with a specific artifact, and upon checkout with their choice of books will receive a book mark with a QR code linking them to a tailored reading list.